We use a number of methods to keep your account safe, such as asking you to pick a memorable word, a PIN and a password. Below are some tips on keeping your account secure.
Picking a memorable word
- Use a minimum of six characters (and a maximum of 30)
- Avoid using certain words and phrases that are easy to guess, such as 'password' and 'qwerty', or variations such as 'pass123'
- Don't use your birthday or a name that could easily be guessed, such as your name or those of pets and family members, because this information can be found online
- Avoid using a memorable word that you use elsewhere
Our PIN numbers are six digits long, rather than the usual four, to give you greater security. When choosing a PIN:
- Ensure it's six digits long and isn't a PIN that you use elsewhere
- Don't use your birthday because this information can be found online
- Avoid sequences that are easy to guess, such as '123456' or sections of your phone number
A strong password will help to keep your account information safe from fraudsters. When choosing a password:
- Use at least eight characters
- Try not to use a word that's in the dictionary
- Mix it up by using uppercase and lowercase, as well as numbers (your password will need to have at least one of each)
- Avoid using certain words and phrases that are easy to guess, such as 'Password', 'Pa55word' and 'Qwerty123', or variations such as 'Pass1234'
- Don't use your birthday because this information can be found online
- Make it unique, and don't pick a password that you use elsewhere
Creating a strong password can be as simple as joining unrelated words and adding special characters and numbers.
You must never share your security information. If you think somebody may know your memorable word, PIN or password, call us as soon as possible on 0345 111 7092. We're available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm.