Our Customer Expectations
Fair, friendly, and helpful
Our Customer Expectations
Fair, friendly, and helpful
We are passionate about being fair, friendly, and helpful to our customers. Building customer trust is vital.
We have a strong set of values that we aim to live every day. Our Customer Charter explains our aspirations for what our Retail customers can expect from us.
Customer Focused
We listen to your needs
What you can expect from us
The products and services we have designed for you will meet your needs, characteristics, and objectives.
Our products and services will represent fair value.
You will be able to access and use our products and services throughout the product lifecycle [from start to finish] regardless of any vulnerabilities.
What it should mean to you, our customer
We seek out opportunities to understand and meet your needs, aiming to exceed expectations by listening and building our relationship.
Keeping our promises to you
What you can expect from us
You will have access to clear and timely information to make informed decisions.
What it should mean to you, our customer
We will keep you informed and be open and honest with you. If we say we will do it, we will and if it can’t be done, we will say so.
Performance Driven
Striving to be the best for you
What you can expect from us
We will work with our suppliers and design our products and services to deliver good outcomes.
What it should mean to you, our customer
We measure our performance and implement improvements as we identify them.
With you all the way
What you can expect from us
We will enable you to access, manage, close, and switch products and services through a range of channels.
What it should mean to you, our customer
We work as a team to make it easy for you to do business with us.
Risk Aware
Keeping you safe
What you can expect from us
We will distribute the products and services designed for you through appropriate digital channels and other ways.
What it should mean to you, our customer
We take care to keep your data safe and use it responsibly.
Future Orientated
Your future in mind
What you can expect from us
We will foster, promote, and measure a culture that puts customers first.
What it should mean to you, our customer
We listen, adapt, and keep our innovations clear and simple and so we can meet your needs.